Keeping up with the news as it happens
Latest News
12th June 2024
A big shout out to the Alice Springs School of the Air (ASSOA) and the amazing students spread out across the far reaches of rural Queensland and South Australia.
We had a great day last week with some amazing results.
Keep up the good work! :)
4th February 2021
TOONSCHOOL has fully resumed operations. Bookings are now being taken and are subject to Border closures and Lockdowns, however each and every booking commitment will continue to be honored.
1st October 2020
After seven months of hiatus, TOONSCHOOL is back to face to face workshops beginning on Monday 12th October in all states (excluding WA and Victoria).
Thank you to all my friends at so many schools for supporting TOONSCHOOL throughout the last little while by investing in the Posters and Signs" aspect of my business.
10 June 2020
Wow, how the world has turned upside down in the last few months. I'm hoping you are all safe and well.
TOONSCHOOL has been in hibernation for three months now and as the situation stands, it looks like being in hibernation for the forseeable future.
To keep in touch with my many loyal schools, I have developed some valuable Teacher and Student resources to be used until we meet again.
Please visit my "resource page" and reconnect.
Stay safe :)
Sunset over WA
Clyde Fenton PS - Katherine NT
Some days the job has its perks.
Competition on the Alice.
Lunch break - Milikapati - Tiwi Islands
Alice Springs School of the Air
Alice Springs School of the Air
Another Great day at Pine Creek PS - working on Growth Mindset and the "PC Way" - Feb 2020.